Load Data into Snowflake using SnowSQL
Login to SnowSQL
Connect to snowsql by using the below command (Just remember to use the proper account (Including region) and username)
snowsql -a your_account_name -u username
You will be prompted to enter the password, and you should be connected now.
Set the DB Context
Create the table:
create or replace table emp_basic (
first_name string ,
last_name string ,
email string ,
streetaddress string ,
city string ,
start_date date
Download the Data file
Go ahead and download the data file from this link. Unzip and Save the file in C Drive.
Run the below command to put (SFTP) the file to snowflake staging area:
put file://C:\Users\Naveen\Desktop\getting-started\employees0*.csv @SALES_NAVEEN_DB.SALES_DATA.%emp_basic;
List the staged files, just to make sure everything is good
list @SALES_NAVEEN_DB.SALES_DATA.%emp_basic;
Copy the data into Target table
copy into emp_basic
from @%emp_basic
file_format = (type = csv field_optionally_enclosed_by='"')
pattern = '.*employees0[1-5].csv.gz'
on_error = 'skip_file';
Query the loaded data
Return all rows and columns from the table:
select * from emp_basic;
Let us also insert rows directly into a table using the INSERT DML command.
For example, to insert two additional rows into the table:
insert into emp_basic values
('Clementine','Adamou','cadamou@sf_tuts.com','10510 Sachs Road','Klenak','2017-9-22') ,
('Marlowe','De Anesy','madamouc@sf_tuts.co.uk','36768 Northfield Plaza','Fangshan','2017-1-26');
Query Rows Based on Email Address
select email from emp_basic where email like '%.uk';
Use the DATEADD function to calculate when certain employee benefits might start. Filter the list by employees whose start date occurred earlier than January 1, 2017:
select first_name, last_name, dateadd('day',90,start_date) from emp_basic where start_date <= '2017-01-01';
Clean up the table
Let us go ahead and clean up the table that we just loaded
Drop table emp_basic;
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