Welcome to the community ! start here

Copycoding is an online community for sharing and learning cloud data warehouse (Snowflake), having debates, and making friends. Thanks for joining us and enjoy your visit here! 

Here’s what all this means to you as a writer:

  • You can write an article as long as its relevant and useful for the audience
  • You can include links to your own blog or service, (no affiliate links though), as long as it’s done tastefully and transparently
  • Your stories are yours. We don’t lay any claim to them. You can cross-post them wherever you want. Other newspapers and websites may even approach you about syndicating them or translating them. That’s fine with us

Remember, you will always remain the owner of your content, with the ability to edit and delete it from our publication at any moment. We are here to support you as a writer and grow your reach with every post, so if you ever have questions or ideas on ways we can help, please let us know!

Community posting guidelines:

  • Being nice to everyone: Remember to keep your views civil and non-derogatory. Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences. Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
  • No spamming: All spam, abuses, and self-promotions will be auto-deleted
  • Spread the love: modemly is an open and inclusive community and has no place for offensive or abusive language, as well as any kind of hate speech. Always discuss the topic and not the person, our mods are so skilled in shielding our community members from personal attacks

All the above are grounds for moderator action. If you have an issue with another member, we ask that you please don't confront them yourself. Please just use the Report command on the post in question, then leave it up to the mods to deal with the situation. So, you know, be cool

Our moderators may edit or delete any comment/content to improve the flow of communication

Thanks for visiting and enjoy your visit here!


posted on 16 Oct 18

Enjoy great content like this and a lot more !

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